Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Spring in2it! Week 10

Here we are at the end of the Spring in2it! challenge. I must admit to feeling very disappointed that I seem to have only lost 1/2 kg! Really wanted to lose 2kgs. Bugger! Obviously more exercise required, less food, even less wine......or just buy bigger clothes!

However, on reflection, Spring in2it! has been worthwhile. I have been thinking about what I eat (although I think that I eat reasonably carefully anyway - perhaps "cake" more often than I should) but became very aware that I do not drink enough water. I enjoyed some of the lunchtime talks that I went to and the exercise classes.

I really would like to be more disciplined with exercise and try to get out at lunchtime for a quick walk, even 10 mins, at least three times a week. It is very easy to use 'too busy' as an excuse. Walking provides time to reflect on the morning's work, get some fresh air, and think about what needs to be done in the afternoon.

It will be interesting to read post challenge results/surveys to see how others have found the 10 week challenge. Now, I guess, I need to continue to challenge myself to keep going & lose the rest of that weight!

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